Our Curriculum

We exist to aid your child’s natural development from birth to maturity.
Our approach is to:

  • Trust the deep inner drive your child has to meaningfully participate in and contribute to their world;
  • Create environments that allow your child to joyfully discover the world and their unique place in it; and
  • Collaborate with you in the loving growth of your child.
  • To fulfil our purpose we are led by Montessori principles and practice.

Montessori Education Provides Better Outcomes Than Traditional Education

Montessori education leads to children with better social and academic skills.

Montessori can have a positive long-term impact, with children making successful transitions to traditional schools. Various studies have proven that attending a Montessori programme in early childhood predicted significantly higher mathematics and science scores in high school.

Montessori students do as well or better academically than the mainstream, but there is something else. Montessori students reported a significantly better ‘quality of experience’ in their academic work than did traditional students. They had a sense of their school being a positive place, one where they love to learn things. Montessori children didn’t just do better academically, they were just plain happier.