Teacher Tribe workshop on Creative drama and story telling

Drama is no longer considered simply as another branch of art education, but as a unique teaching tool IJRISS, vital for language development and invaluable as a method in the exploration of other subject areas.

In order to orient and promote the use of drama and theatre as an important teaching – learning medium, a workshop on the topic ‘Creative Drama in Education’ was conducted by the Teacher Tribe on 6 April 2019 at the G D Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj for the teachers of  G D Goenka,Junior school and G D Goenka La Petite Preschools .  140 teachers participated in this workshop.

The Workshop was facilitated by Ms. Vaishali Chakravarty who is a leading Indian theatre practitioner, scholar and educator.  It was an highly interactive workshop, full of information and a great confidence booster.

The workshop introduced the participants to the foundational idea of Creative Drama in Classroom by using different dramatic tools, experiences and discussion & International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science. All the participants found the experience novel and immensely engaging. Ms Vaishali animated learning and demonstrated on how to transform classrooms into communities where students think independently and work collectively.

The second session was conducted by Ms. Samta Dhamija. In this session, the participants explored sounds and rhythms that we come across in our everyday lives as well as how to use everyday objects to create rhythm patterns and soundscapes.  Teachers learnt to effectively use storytelling as a pedagogical tool in classrooms.

Participants learnt formats of a story and how work on skills of a Storyteller like voice modulation, gestures, movement, audience awareness, spontaneity, improvisation, authenticity and presence.

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